Analysis reviewing the staff's lead handling efforts


This evaluation can help you identify opportunities and gauge improvement. Analysis including scorecard and screenshots reviewing the staff’s lead handling efforts in the following areas:

  • Email
  • Phone
  • SMS
  • Video


Individual Pages
MA_LRA_Sell Sheet_Assets-16
Screenshot review of lead handling efforts
Scoring Page-1

Recommendations for improvement


Momentum Performance Analytics is your real-time dashboard to dive deep into analytics, charts, and data visualizations for the most effective evaluation.

Digital assessments come housed in the robust Momentum Performance Analytics portal, your 24/7 hub to access all your dealers’ real-time data, filtered as you see fit. Once inside the interactive Momentum dashboard, you’ll gain invaluable insights into your stores’ performance:

  • Charts
  • Data visualizations
  • On-demand videos of past training sessions
  • In-depth reporting
  • Regional averages
  • Built-in educational resources
LRA-iPad Mockup


Client Program Highlight: Automotive OEM Program

Maritz Automotive was awarded business to run Lead Responses Anlayses on dealers attending corporate training functions across the nation. We ran 1,032 assessments, each of which involved reviewing email, phone, text and web chat responses from dealerships. These analyses were provided to the dealers at the training events. Some interesting stats from the study were also gathered for the OEM to review, such as the following:

MA_LRA_Sell Sheet_Assets_Did not address specific questions


Did not address the specific questions asked

MA_LRA_Sell Sheet_Assets_No confirmation of price or availability


Did not confirm availability and give a price

MA_LRA_Sell Sheet_Assets_No follow up via email


Did not follow up after day one

MA_LRA_Sell Sheet_Assets_No phone follow up


Had no phone follow up after day one


Identify opportunities in your dealership's lead handling efforts